Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pictures from Fuge!

I'm finally able to get on the wireless network here at Samford. Thanks so much for your patience. So far, it has been an incredible week. Yesterday was our first day at our ministry tracks and God is beginning to open doors there. Some of our students had incredible opportunities to pray with folks in neighborhood regarding some deep hurts in there lives. This has brought them out of their comfort zones and allowed them to experience God in new ways. Others are just beginning to build relationships with the people at their sites. Today should provide more opportunities to interact and share the love of God.
Our theme for this year is Move based on the life of Moses. Last night, the camp pastor challenged us to have the faith to let go of our lives and lay them down for God. This has tied in perfectly with where we left off our Storyline services a couple of weeks ago. God is continuing to remind us of the need to lay our own thoughts about our lives down so that we can get on with what He has called us to do. Pray that today we continue to realize what it is that God has for each and everyone of us.

1 comment:

bonnie said...

Thanks for the pictures. looks like the guys are "bonding" for sure!