Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 1 is finished

Happy Tuesday!  We're here and things are going great!  We arrived in Daytona around 10:30 a.m.  Trip down was uneventful and went as planned.  We have had some fun on the beach and our first evening session was great.  Our speaker spoke on our identity in God's family and how much God loves us.  He shared from Luke 15 and focused on how God runs towards us and loves us despite what we have done and will do.  After spending some time on the beach sharing our impressions of the sermon, we headed to our rooms for some much needed rest.  Here's a pic from our beach time.  Please continue to pray for our students that their hearts would be opened God and the things He will specifically show each of them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds awesome!!!
Miss being there with you guys!