Monday, August 4, 2014

The Lure of Celebrity

"A large crowd followed and pressed around him." Mark 5:24

Asheville has been abuzz with celebrity news for the past several months. As I write this article today, I'm sitting in a coffee shop down the street from a new movie that's being filmed downtown this summer. The excitement kicked into high gear with the winner of American Idol being from the Erwin area and has continued as the actors for the new movie arrived and started frequenting many of our restaurants and Tourists baseball games. People are sharing stories or posting pictures all over the news and social media of how they know a celebrity or ran into them at various places. It has been interesting to watch as they chase these folks around town hoping to catch a glimpse or possibly even get to talk to one of these famous people.

In Mark 5:24-34, we read of the time when Jesus had just crossed the sea and a large crowd gathered around him. These people had heard of the amazing things Jesus was doing and were determined to chase him down and get a glimpse of Jesus, the celebrity. As the large crowd presses around him, a woman who has been sick for many years fights through the crowd, hoping that, if she touches his clothing, she will be healed. Finally, she fights through and when she touches him, she is immediately
healed. Knowing this, Jesus looks on her with compassion and says words of comfort and healing.
As followers of Christ, we have instant access to the One who is greater than any celebrity we could hope to be seen with. We have the One who spoke creation into existence and holds all things together walking daily with us. Not only this, He intimately knows each and everyone of us. We need not search for significance or worth from any other. What an amazing gift! May we rest in this glorious and wonderful truth.

Grace and Peace, 


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